Planning Board
For questions on Amendments to Zoning Ordinances, please plan to attend a Planning Board Meeting held on the second Thursday of each month in the Town Office.
click below for details of the Proposed Amendments:
Proposed Zoning Amendments003
The Planning Board is responsible for conducting hearings, and making rulings on applications for subdivisions and boundary line adjustments. They are also responsible for developing and maintaining the following documents: (click to download pdf)
Subdivision Regulations
Nelson Zoning Ordinance 2022 pdf
Previous Zoning Ordinances:
2017 Amended Zoning Ordinances
Nelson Master Plan
The Planning Board meets on the second Thursday of the month, usually in the Town Office (Brick Schoolhouse), but sometimes in the Town Hall if there is a public hearing scheduled. As there are occasional exceptions to the scheduled meeting time, please call the Town Office at 603-847-0047 during town office business hours (see info on left) if you are planning to attend a meeting to confirm the time, and to indicate if you have a matter to be put on the agenda.
The Planning Board
John Wengler, chair – term expires 2025
David Bower………….. – term expires 2024
Michael French……… – term expires 2026
Ethan McBrien……….. – term expires 2024
Michael Ezell……………. – alternate
Michael Blaudschun… – Selectmen’s Representative
Clerk: Karen Castelli
Other online resources relative to planning and zoning:
Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC)
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)
New Hampshire Local Government Center (NHLGA)
New Hampshire RSA’s (Revised Statutes Annotated)
NH RSA’s – specific to Planning and Zoning
NH Office of Energy and Planning
NH Office of Energy and Planning – State Data Center (Census and other data)