Cemetery Board

The Cemetery Board

The Town of Nelson has two cemeteries: the Nelson Cemetery just south of the village center on Hardy Hill Road and the Munsonville Cemetery on Granite Lake Road. Both cemeteries are maintained and administered by the Cemetery Board of five trustees elected by ballot in accordance with NH RSA 289.

The sale of burial lots is under the direction of the Cemetery Board Chair, subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the Cemetery Board. All opening of graves and internments is under the supervision of the Cemetery Board Chair. The Munsonville Cemetery and the old section of the Nelson Cemetery are now closed to the sale of new lots. Lots are available in Section II of the Nelson Cemetery and a new cemetery is planned in the field across the street from the current Nelson Cemetery.

A copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Nelson Cemetery can be found in the Town Clerks office.  For information about either cemetery, or to inquire about purchasing a cemetery plot, contact the Cemetery Board Chair.

The Revolutionary War Monument

A large fieldstone monument stands in the old part of the Nelson Cemetery as a memorial to the men who left their fields to fight in the Revolutionary War. It was built in 1917 on the 150th anniversary of the founding of our town. The passing years took their toll to the point that repeated patches could no longer keep the monument in repair. Thanks to the generosity of the Bradshaw Family the monument was totally rebuilt using most of the original cobble stones and rededicated on Memorial Day of 2004.  Today the monument still stands as a silent tribute to these brave men.

Fees and Purchase instructions for Cemetery Plots and Cornerstones

At the present time, there are a limited number of plots available in Cemetery Two.  Until the new cemetery is complete, we are limiting the number of plots sold to two plots per person.  The total cost includes the plot and four cornerstones.

The purchaser must issue two checks – one for the plot and one for the corner stones.

Full burial plots (5′ X 10″)   $500    Payable to Town of Nelson

Cremation plots (5′ X 5″)  $300      Payable to Town of Nelson

Cornerstones (4)              $250     Payable to Keene Monument

Contact Information- Call Cemetery Board Chair Elaine Giacomo at 603-8852-8538.  She will arrange to meet with the purchaser at the cemetery to show the available plots.  Once a plot is selected you will be provided with the plot number and any other necessary information.  Next, you will go to the Town Clerk’s office.  Inform the Town Clerk of the plot number, pay for the plot and the cornerstones and the Town Clerk will then process your deed.  You will be notified when the deed is ready for pickup.

Members of the Nelson Cemetery Board

Elaine Giacomo, Chair……………………………..……………………………… Term Expires 2026

Telephone: 1-603-847-9019         email:   elainegiacomo@yahoo.com

Harry Flanagan……………….…………………………………………….………….. Term Expires 2025

Laurie Redfern-Smith……………..……………………………………………….. Term Expires 2027

Linda Cates…………..………………….………………………………….………….. Term Expires 2027

Al Stoops………………………………………….………………………….…………… Term Expires 2027

For Munsonville Cemetery Information go to:
